Although many messages are geared toward students, Latter-day Saints throughout the Church are invited to participate in devotionals, most of which are available online.
The five-day event features a Tuesday devotional with Elder Andersen, plus classes taught by hundreds of presenters, including the Primary, Relief Society, Young Women and Young Men general presidencies.
The Savior’s "incomparable example of aligning His will with the will of the Father brings us a beautiful vision of our way forward," Elder Andersen taught during BYU Education Week.
"It is a glorious season" to be members of a society which brings the Savior’s relief to sisters and brothers around the world, said Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson during BYU Education Week.
"I’m confident that people who attend Education Week will come away inspired and better prepared to face their individual challenges," said Bruce Payne, program administrator.
BYU–Pathway Worldwide President Brian K. Ashton explains how the online education provider can enable native Kiribati to become educated and employed in Kiribati.
Despite the smorgasbord of obstacles facing many college campuses, including his own, University of Utah President Taylor Randall says he’s optimistic about the future.
Though the path may seem rocky, “as you are intentional about keeping the vision of your eternal destination firmly in your mind and keep a firm hold on the rod of iron, you will make it,” Sister J. Anette Dennis told BYU–Idaho graduates.
Robert "Bob" Wilkes served as interim president of the Church-owned university from 2004-2005 and played a key role in the transition from Ricks College to BYU-Idaho.
"Those nourished with spiritual Twinkies are unlikely to become lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ," Elder Dale G. Renlund taught during Religious Educators Conference held at BYU.
Elder Bednar offers blessing upon patrons of Layton temple: "May the spiritual lessons learned in this sacred place bless and transform individuals, families, homes and communities."
"We are grateful to be part of Thy work that is destined to destroy the powers of darkness, renovate the earth and bring salvation to the human family," said Elder Dale G. Renlund.