Elder Kevin R. Duncan, General Authority Seventy, spoke during the Sunday morning session of April 2023 general conference about the joy of temple work. The following is a summary of what he said.
Elder Duncan talk summary
Temples bring joy to those who participate in ordinances and make covenants in them. Temple gifts include priesthood authority, families sealed forever and eternal life. These blessings are made possible through Jesus Christ’s Atonement.
Because temples are often second nature to Church members, it can be easy to take these blessings for granted. It’s sometimes helpful to consider temples through the eyes of someone not familiar with them. “What could become common or routine for us is sometimes seen in its splendor and majesty by those who hear it or feel it for the very first time.”
The adversary’s power is threatened by temples, which is why he does anything he can to stop temple work. “As each temple is dedicated, the saving power of Jesus Christ expands throughout the world to counteract the efforts of the adversary and to redeem us as we come unto Him. As temples and covenant keepers grow in number, the adversary grows weaker.”
Individuals can have power over the adversary by making and keeping temple covenants. On this Palm Sunday, praise God and His goodness. “What do we hear in the gospel which we have received? Truly a voice of gladness.”
Notable quotes
“What could become common or routine for us is sometimes seen in its splendor and majesty by those who hear it or feel it for the very first time.”
“As each temple is dedicated, the saving power of Jesus Christ expands throughout the world to counteract the efforts of the adversary and to redeem us as we come unto Him.”
“What do we hear in the gospel which we have received? Truly a voice of gladness!”
See the full text of Elder Duncan’s talk: ‘A Voice of Gladness!’
Who is Elder Duncan?

- Elder Duncan was sustained to the First Quorum of the Seventy on April 3, 2010.
- He married Wendy Wallentine in 1982. She died after a car accident in 1984, leaving Elder Duncan with their nearly 7-month-old daughter. In 1986, he married Nancy Elizabeth Smart. They are the parents of five children.
- He served his mission in Chile and later served as president of the Chile Santiago North Mission. He is currently at Church headquarters as executive director of the Temple Department.
- He began his career as an associate attorney and later founded a corporation, from which he retired in 2005.
What has Elder Duncan done recently?
- In October 2022, he spoke at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Heber Valley Utah Temple.
- In June 2021, he presided at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Syracuse Utah Temple.
- During the April 2016 general conference, he spoke on the healing power of forgiveness.
- During the October 2010 general conference, he spoke on trusting and following prophets.