
Elder Neil L. Andersen: ‘Drawing Closer to the Savior’

As evil increases in the world, spiritual survival will depend on strengthening ‘the roots of our faith in Jesus Christ’

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday evening session of October 2022 general conference. With the wheat growing amid the tares, he offered three ways Latter-day Saints can strengthen faith in Jesus Christ. The following is a summary of what he said.

Elder Andersen’s conference talk summary

The Savior explained to His disciples that in the time prior to His Second Coming, the wheat — or “the children of the kingdom” (Matthew 13:38) — would grow side by side with the tares — those who do not love God or keep His commandments.

“This will be our world until the Savior returns, with much that is good and much that is evil on every side.”

With the wheat growing amid the tares, how can individuals deepen and strengthen commitment to the Savior?

“First, we can immerse ourselves more completely into Jesus’s life, His teachings, His majesty, His power and His atoning sacrifice.”

Second, “we make covenants with Him.”

Making and keeping covenants allow the love of the Savior to sink more deeply into one’s heart.

Third, “in this sacred quest, we treasure, protect, defend and safeguard the gift of the Holy Ghost with all our heart. … It is a gift beyond price.”

Latter-day Saints are “children of the covenant” stretching across the nations and cultures of the world. “Seeking with all our heart to know and love the Savior, we separate ourselves from the world through covenants with God, being distinct, uncommon and special as we honor Him and His teachings.”

Notable quotes from Elder Andersen’s conference talk

“We realize that as evil increases in the world, our spiritual survival, and the spiritual survival of those we love, will require that we more fully nurture, fortify and strengthen the roots of our faith in Jesus Christ.”

“As we know very well, having faith in Jesus Christ and being a true disciple is more than a one-time decision — more than a one-time event. It is a sacred, ongoing process that grows and expands through the seasons of our lives, continuing until we kneel at His feet.”

“As you allow your love for the Savior and His love for you to sink deep into your heart, I promise you added confidence, peace and joy in meeting the challenges of your life.”

See the full text of Elder Andersen’s talk: ‘Drawing Closer to the Savior’

Who is Elder Andersen?

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

What has Elder Andersen done recently?

Read more of Elder Andersen’s general conference addresses, or follow him on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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