
Elder James W. McConkie III:  ‘And They Sought To See Jesus Who He Was’

‘Each of us has a role to play in the kingdom of God’

 Elder James W. McConkie III spoke during the Saturday afternoon session of October 2022 general conference. He spoke of several lessons learned from the account of the Savior healing the man with palsy. The following is a summary of what he said.

Elder McConkie’s conference talk summary

As recounted in Mark 2, Jesus returns to Capernaum and villagers gather at the home where He is staying and He begins to teach. 

A man “sick of the palsy” is carried on a mat by four friends but the crowd is so great that getting to Jesus is impossible. 

The four climb to the roof and lower their friend to Jesus. He looks at the man on the bed, publicly forgives him of his sins and physically heals him.

“With that telling of Mark 2 in mind, several important truths become clear about Jesus as the Christ.”

First, as individuals help others come unto Christ they can do so with confidence that He can lift the burden of sin.

Second, “when we bring physical, emotional or other illnesses to Christ, we can do so knowing He has the power to heal and comfort.” 

Third, as individuals make an effort to bring others to Christ, they can trust that He sees their true intentions.

All are engaged as Latter-day Saint disciples in the work of bringing others to Christ. 

The example of the four friends emphasizes the spiritual importance of community. “Whether in Argentina or Vietnam, Accra or Brisbane, a branch or a ward, a family or a missionary companionship, we each have a corner to carry.”

Notable quotes

“Whether as missionaries, ministers, Relief Society presidents, bishops, teachers, parents, siblings or friends, we are all engaged as Latter-day Saint disciples in the work of bringing others to Christ.”

“Part of the power of this remarkable story of Jesus is that it reminds us just how much we need each other, as brothers and sisters, to come unto Christ and be transformed.” 

“Each of us has a role to play in the kingdom of God. As we fill that role and do our part, we carry our corner.”

See the full text of Elder McConkie’s talk: ‘And They Sought To See Jesus Who He Was’

Who is Elder McConkie?

Elder James W. McConkie III, General Authority Seventy
Elder James W. McConkie III, General Authority Seventy | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • James W. McConkie III was called as a General Authority Seventy in April 2022 general conference.
  • He met Laurel Springer in orchestra on the first day of seventh grade, but they didn’t begin dating until after both had served missions. They were married on July 18, 1995, in the Salt Lake Temple and have four children.
  • Elder McConkie has a deep love for the Czech and Slovak republics. He served there as a young missionary, returned there as a young professional and with a humanitarian organization and then as a mission president with his wife and children.

Read more about ‘Coming unto Christ’ in the Church News

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